Playing Archive (2015)
Hand-made artist book
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The White Building Archive* was built over the years by artists, creators, collaborators, students, and the White Building’s residents engaged with Sa Sa Art Projects. This book project invites these participants to reflect on and engage with this archive by compiling a “playlist” of selected materials from the archive, proposing a narrative of their choice.
Some consider the White Building Archive as a point of departure, while some choose to look somewhere else completely. Taken together, the participants’ contributions question, revise, intervene, expand, challenge, and de-stabilise the collective knowledge they have co-produced, pointing to diverse yet rhizomatic topics with infinite connections. The archive or the knowledge is therefore being interrogated, re-configured, and re-played.
* The White Building Archive (whitebuilding.org) is co-produced by Sa Sa Art Projects and Big Stories Co.